

Mar 10, 2024

Energy expert shares radiator hacks to avoid that ‘don’t work’ and are ‘dangerous’

Energy saving hacks on social media, particularly TikTok, have gathered millions of hits, with many of the clips claiming they can save consumers money through clever hacks with their radiators. This has prompted the energy experts at to see if these tips really work and if so, how much impact they actually have on bills and if they are safe to try. The hacks range from putting tin foil down the back of the radiator to a deep clean with boiling water, posing potential “dangerous risks” to those attempting the advice in the clips.

The first hack briefly shows someone bleeding their radiator alongside the caption “make sure to bleed your radiators to improve the heat and efficiency of your heating system”.

Bleeding a radiator is sound advice and is something that should be done annually to keep radiators in full working order.

However, the most popular TikTok clip showcasing how to do this, which has over 10 million views, misses out on a few “vital steps” in the process, according to the pros.

They said: “Central heating should be turned off before undertaking a task like this. Radiators cannot be bled when hot, as hot water could easily spray out of the radiator causing burns.”

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Once the radiator is cold, use a radiator key to turn the valve at the top of the radiator. Attach the key to the square groove in the centre of the valve and turn it slowly anticlockwise. There should be a hissing sound. A cloth can be used to catch any water that comes out.

Once the hissing stops and only liquid comes out, retighten the valve. It will then be safe to turn the central heating system back on.

Check the pressure by looking at the gauge on the boiler. Bleeding radiators can cause the pressure to drop.

If the pressure is too low, it will need to be topped up. Use the lever or tap on the boiler, known as the filling loop, to do this.

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This tip shows someone doing a “deep clean” of a radiator in their university accommodation. This video has amassed almost one million views and shares advice which could well prove “dangerous”.

While it’s true that keeping a radiator clean and dust-free could help with the distribution of heat in the room, the experts urged: “Pouring boiling water down the back of a radiator is something that should never be done.

“Not only could it damage paint, it could also cause irreparable harm to the flooring beneath the radiator and affect any nearby sockets.”

If a radiator needs to be cleaned, heating should be turned off and then a vacuum can be used to clear as much dust in and around the radiator as possible.

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A radiator brush will reach any remaining dust and dirt that’s left after vacuuming. Put a towel down beneath the radiator to protect the flooring, then use the radiator cleaning brush to clear away this stubborn debris.

If small amounts of dust or debris have accumulated in the radiator fixings, a hairdryer on a cold setting will solve the issue.

Use a damp (but not dripping wet) sponge to wipe down the outside of the radiator. Remover to dry the radiator with a microfibre cloth to make sure the metal isn't left to rust.

This hack claims that wrapping a piece of cardboard in tin foil and sliding it behind a radiator can “make it feel like a desert”.

The energy gurus said: “We’ve seen plenty of clips suggesting that putting tin foil behind a radiator would increase its effectiveness, with this particular clip accumulating almost four thousand views.

“This idea would definitely have a negative effect on the look of a space, and it wouldn’t actually have much benefit in terms of heat distribution.

“Due to the way that radiators work, a small percentage of heat can be reflected with foil using this method.” Radiators actually only give off around 20 percent radiant heat. The other 80 percent is actually convection heat, which would not be reflected.

What’s more, kitchen tin foil is made from very thin rolled aluminium, further “reducing its effectiveness” when used for this trick. Rolled aluminium becomes dull as it oxidises, meaning it would soon “lose its capacity to reflect heat” when placed behind a radiator.

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